There are countless web tools and applications that help small companies and startups bootstrap their way to success by promising automated DIY marketing and design solutions but they’re not a magic bullet. Marketing and design are most effective when backed by a...
Rich Lamendola
Founded brandbliss to help the service-based business use marketing and advertising as a tool, not the end-all-be-all. Since 2013, he’s been helping clients grow, laugh, take risks, and believe that they really can grow the type of business they want.
Should Your Brand Lead or Follow?
The correct answer to this questions is: it depends. There are pros and cons to both angles. While most businesses believe they want to take the lead, there are benefits to following that might yield better results in some cases. Let’s examine both options so you can...
The power of the “C” word
Yes, it takes some guts to use the C-word in blog post for our business. But why not? We’re all adults. Hearing it can bring on severe anxiety. In fact, you may be cringing right now at just the thought of it. What does the C-word have to do with a customer-focused...