It works just fine.  But it doesn’t work on its own. It all starts with your email list.  How your list is achieved, maintained, segmented and managed can mean the difference between a solid email campaigns and mushy ones. Building a list isn’t as easy as it sounds; although, it can be easier by applying some marketing techniques.  Once the list has a reasonable amount of is in good shape, then comes messaging and creative.

What will you say?  Good question.  The answer is, it depends.

It depends on what you’re looking to achieve with the email. What you say and how you say it will largely have an impact on the success of the campaign.  As will what the creative of the campaign will look like.

Creative options when it comes to email marketing are infinite – there are so many options, colors, layouts and things that you think are good ideas.  We are here to tell you good ideas are great and proven ideas are best and that shows in the performance.

If it can’t be measured, it can’t be managed. (thanks, Peter Drucker)

How an email performs will have everyone high-fiving or scratching their heads. Everyone wants a winner, but the truth is, there are tons of variables that come into play with email marketing.

If you plan on handling your email marketing program “in-house” plan to spend a significant amount of time doing so.  Yes, even the email marketing companies promise “ease of use” and “friendly templates” still require the time to conceptualize, plan, design, write, edit, deploy, manage, respond and being the latter areas of the selling process. Simply put: these things take time.

Our question to you is this: is figuring out this stuff the best use of your time?

If you’d prefer to focus your time and attention on your business, we can certainly handle your email marketing.  You can book some time for us to do that here.


**Our blog is a resource guide for educational and informational purposes. (And sometimes venting about topics such as sub-par experiences and/or individuals who wear Vibram Five Fingers to dinner parties. You know–the usual.) To write our articles, we use our experiences, the experiences of others and various other resources including but not limited to the wild wild web, the Encyclopedia Britannica (what? you didn’t buy the extended library collection of 1989?) and/or The Magic 8-ball. (Kidding. But maybe not.) That said, our advice doesn’t come with any guarantees. By visiting this site, you’re essentially signing a contract that says that you understand that we make no guarantees, and you won’t try to sue us or report us to your cousin, who just got his/her law degree and could use the practice. Because that would be awkward and not cool. 🙂